Thursday, August 7, 2008

Building New Worlds makes the "Buzz"

Word just in that Building New Worlds was listed in the newest addition of Village D-Lights under the "Just So You Know" section for the Aug/Sept volum! We are very pleased with this information and would like to thank the people at Village D-Lights for that early Halloween gift! While we are on the subject of making the buzz in village collectors news, we are also pleased to report that this week Building New Worlds online Network became now 300 plus members strong and growing. People from all over the world have been dropping in the check out what is going on in our community and the word is getting around that we are out there. Its always a good feeling when your work starts paying off and you see results like we are seeing now with BNW.
Spooky Town season for 2008 has been rocked with interesting new twisted this year. None of which has been more interesting than the "recall" of the Octo-Squeeze and the strange news that this piece was pulled from Michaels Crafts but will be added to the retailer this season. We are not sure exactly what happened that this change took place but, should be getting their stock of that piece later this month. Check them out for that piece if you are interested.
Meanwhile we are gearing up of the big push for Spook Town village season 2008. The major store display is getting worked on and we are very pleased with how that is taking shape. Finch Family Water Gardens is looking more like Spooky Town by the day as we see the progress being made with this super-size village!
I would like to take a moment to thank a few people for all their work and support over the past few months while I have been on this adventure of a life time to expand Building New Worlds. James Finch, the owner of Finch Family Water Garden, the admin and members of Building New Worlds and those close to me who have been there to cheer me on while taking on this project. I started out with a very small dream and a small village not so long ago and today I am seeing the start of something much bigger than I can really understand right now. Thank all of you who have been there through out this time and will be there in the coming years for your support and work behind what I hope will be one of the biggest things to hit village collecting since those first buildings came out so long ago.

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