Friday, February 6, 2009

The joys of growing

This past week or so we have been working on our latest new toy, Quick Books! It is a task getting to learn all this at once but it is coming along even though it is slow going with so many things to learn at once! I am not at all a comupter geek so getting the thing to send an e-mail through the program took some toying with tonight but I finally got to send out the first invoice of the year through QB! Now we are almost in business. Its a good feeling when you can work through issues and learn something new like that.
Learning curbs are all over the place right now. We are learning more about venders and which ones work for us and which ones we will have to work on fitting in right for them to work for us later. Shipping...what a trip! It is an adventure every day trying to chose the things that make your business work for you. Shipping was one of those also. There are a lot of choices out there but I find the cheapest and easiest works for me.
While things are crazy here being a business owner just starting out in this economy and with all the task and learning is made more interesting buy working for someone else while I get started. This eats into time I need some days but it also pays the bills and gives me some money (later on) to add to the business. It can be hard at times working on their stuff all day and then coming home to find something I have to take care of right away with mine.
Meanwhile the Network is still growing and I am excited about having some time soon to work on a village again myself. I have not had any time for months now to work on one. The Christmas village is still half done and set up in the studio still. Got to take that down and start on a spring and summer one. Maybe this time I can finish it. I want to get some more tutorials on the Network so I hope this is the season for it.

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