Sunday, October 5, 2008

Plans for 2009

I have been looking at the things that need to be worked on for 2009 and Building New Worlds the past week or so. Some of the things that I want to make happen this next year are easy enough and others will take some time. Time is always a factor when you have your own business. It is normally not your friend. Some of the things on the board for me to tackle for 2009 are site issues and some are opts for making things run easier in the office. Some are also to make life easier for collectors of lighted villages. Here is a look into what I hope to work on for the next year at this point.
The online store is lacking some things. I would like to see a check out on the store itself in the coming year to speed up the buying process for our customers. Right now to place your order you have to e-mail it to us and then we process it and add the shipping charges etc and then send that back for approval before the order is completed and shipped out. This takes about a day or so to do through e-mails. With a shopping cart we would cut that time. There would still be a confirmation e-mail sent out but you would already have a total and your order would by pass some of the process in place right now. I would like to update the way we handle inventory also so that the processing time is cut some also. This way the ship date would be moved up to 24 to 36 hours from ordering rather than the 2 to 3 days we now take to send out packages. I also would like to spend a little money on 2009 on Google ads and site promotion to make finding us a little easier than it is right now.
With the network I hope that we can add to the team this coming year and make it so that the time Admin are working on the network is cut in half. Right now our team is good and they do well at what they do but they spend too long working on things and not enough time just enjoying the network. I know this and I tell them how good they are all the time but that seems so little for all the work they do. I would also like to find sponsors for contest on the network. Right now our store is the only sponsor there is for those and that can be draining to foot that bill alone. If you know of any body or would like to be a sponsor yourself please contact us at
Within the office there are some things that need to be worked out also but I am not going to tire you with those details as that is kind of a waist of time. I will say that once they are worked out it will make our role in the village community more effective and make us much better players in the market.
Thanks for your on going support!

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